Our Church Building Campaign

After years of planning, research and prayer we are thrilled to announce that the Lord has provided us with the blueprint of A Space To Grow. This addition to our current building will deepen our roots in this community and enhance our ability to minister to the people who call our church home. You can check out our e-booklet below for more info, and check back to see updates to our current goals.

Click/Tap “Community House” to learn why we changed the name of the church.

Click/Tap “Give Now” below to give directly to the building campaign, or “pledge card” to commit to give over the next 3 years of the campaign.

Giving to the campaign

When you click/tap “give now,” you’ll be taken to our new giving platform to give your gift. You can always give cash or check instead and submit them in the black boxes in the auditorium if you don’t want to give online.

  1. Once you’re there you will notice that it auto-selects the “building fund” option.

  2. Add the amount you would like to give.

  3. Select one-time gift or recurring.

  4. Add your bank or credit card information if you haven’t already.

  5. Click continue to submit your gift.

When you give your building fund gift, you can always click/tap “add donation” to give your tithe in the same transaction. So you don’t have to separate


  • We desire a biblically-anchored name that reflects the identity given to us by God. The name Community House Church is reflective of our core belief; life change happens best in relationship, relationship with Jesus and relationship with others.

    We are not changing the name because it is something that we hope to be, but rather our new name is an affirmation of who we already are as a church. We are for the community, both in our building and in our city.

  • In the Bible, names have meaning and authority; they represent an identity. The most important characteristic of our new name is that it is rooted in Scripture.

    The word Community is found over 128 times in the New Testament. This word represents a group of people who are united with Christ and share His life with one another in a way that results in spiritual growth.

    The word House in the Old Testament refers to God’s temple or His sanctuary. This is the place that believers would come to meet with God. In the New Testament, believers primarily met with God in homes for worship, teaching, community, and prayer. These homes were also a place for evangelism.

    The word Church is found over 114 times in the New Testament. The Church body are those who have been called out of the world by Jesus to participate in His life and mission. Church refers to both the universal body of Christ and specific locations.

  • On Sunday, July 7, 2024, we officially transitioned from the name, Northpoint Church, to Community Hosue Church. This marked a significant moment for the people who call this church home, as well as our church's history. As we operate under this name, we are declaring that we are a Church that is for this community, this neighborhood, and that they have a home here.

  • While the physical blueprint and name of our church will change, what you know and love about the church will remain the same. We do not seek to become a regional church or even a “large” church, but rather a church that leads people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by teaching God’s Word and reaching the lost. Our values will remain the same. We will be a church that:

    • Serves one another.

    • Cultivates meaningful relationships.

    • Loves kids, students, and young adults.

    • Builds healthy marriages.

    • Invests missionally.

  • After years of reviewing various blueprints to add onto our building, we learned that building a new auditorium is the most cost-effective way to add square footage to our church. By building this new auditorium and updating the existing building for children’s ministry, we can solve all our current needs and create room for growth.

  • Our current architectural plan allows us to be cost effective, minimize delays, and makes the most use of our lot size. It is simple and well designed for a Sunday morning but will also enable us to utilize it Monday through Saturday.

  • After considering five different building companies, the elders unanimously decided to work with Romanko Building Company out of Bowling Green, Ohio. Being a local builder, Romanko has worked on numerous projects in the greater Toledo area. He is well versed in local contractors and building regulations for our area. Not only that, but he is selective and only takes on projects that he feels are important to him and his company.

  • We have! We have toured three different churches in our area. We have decided against these other locations for several reasons, but the primary reason is that we do not desire to move away from our community and the relationships that we have been cultivating since 1954.

  • We will update the existing building to accommodate our children and youth ministries. This will allow our children’s ministry to go from 1,900 ft2 to almost 10,000 ft2 of ministry space. These updates will increase the functionality of our current space and allow us to faithfully serve our kids on a Sunday morning. Also, we can prepare a space for those who are yet to come.

  • If we are able to meet our fund-raising goals, our plan is to break ground in the fall of 2023. By starting in the fall, our new church building would be completed by the middle of 2024. If there are any delays, we plan to start in the spring of 2024. Ideally, this would put us in the building by the end of 2024.

  • Our elders:

    • Pastor Brad Wotring

    • Paul Beauch

    • Steve Daniels

    • Jon Kynard

    • Jack Nause

    We have also consulted with many architects and building experts.

  • We believe that the Lord has uniquely rooted us in the heart of West Toledo. Over the past decade, we have reached over 16,000 unique individuals in our community. Our desire is to create a space that these individuals can call home, a space in which they are able to have a seat at the table. We also envision using our new space for outreach in these specific ways:

    • To enhance our ability to serve the community with our food pantry.

    • To host outreach events like Alpha.

    • To invite local students in for recreation and care.

    • To run classes and life groups to help integrate new members into the life of our church.

  • You can give a financial gift or pledge toward this project at any time through cash, check, card, or stock gifts. We also will be asking for help at various points for our updates on the current building. Beyond financial gifts and labor, join us in prayer. Our hope and trust in Christ alone to bring this vision into a reality.