becoming a house for our community //

becoming a house for our community //

Why we transitioned from Northpoint Church to Community House Church.

As we started our building campaign in August of 2023, it became clear to us that if we were going to operate under who we believe God has called us to be, (a church that is not only present in our community but is for our community,) then we needed to take this step alongside our plans to build an addition onto our building. Our hope has never been to simply build a new building. Rather, it has always been to make room for people to come and experience Jesus and find community; that hope continues with the public declaration of being a “House for our Community.”

Why are we changing the name of the church?

We desire a biblically-anchored name that reflects the identity given to us by God. The name Community House Church is reflective of our core belief; life change happens best in relationship, relationship with Jesus and relationship with others. We are not changing the name because it is something that we hope to be, but rather our new name is an affirmation of who we already are as a church. We are for the community, both in our building and in our city.

Why are we changing the name of the church?

In the Bible, names have meaning and authority; they represent an identity. The most important characteristic of our new name is that it is rooted in Scripture.
The word
Community is found over 128 times in the New Testament. This word represents a group of people who are united with Christ and share His life with one another in a way that results in spiritual growth.
The word
House in the Old Testament refers to God’s temple or His sanctuary. This is the place that believers would come to meet with God. In the New Testament, believers primarily met with God in homes for worship, teaching, community, prayer, and even evangelism.
The word
Church is found over 114 times in the New Testament. The Church body are those who have been called out of the world by Jesus to participate in His life and mission. Church refers to both the universal body of Christ and specific locations.